September 05, 2005

Donations For Survivors


Don't forget the little creatures when you are making your donations for the hard hit gulf states. They rely on us to help and save them too and many shelters and other rescue organizations could use the assistance.

Posted by S. Faolan Wolf at September 5, 2005 12:18 PM | TrackBack

Yes- I feel for the helpless animals too.

Posted by: Ruth at September 5, 2005 07:51 PM

What charity would you suggest? I want to donate to someone to help the pets, but I don't know where to start. I've done the Red Cross now who should get the money for the pet rescue?

Posted by: Sairgirl at September 8, 2005 05:58 PM

I am so upset seeing the poor animals on rooftops left behind. We have made a donation to Noah's Wish-
Hope they ALL get saved...

Posted by: Debby S at September 9, 2005 08:19 AM
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